Finding Jeans that Fit

Our Problem

Our problem is that people struggle to find jeans that fit both for size and style online and end up having to make frequent returns

How might we solve this?

We believe that by creating a service for users to put in their specific wants ands size measurements we can help make recommendations for users to shop

The Research

Who are we Designing for?

Suzie here loves to get new jeans regularly to stay up to date with in fashion styles. She notices online that a new style is coming to the front line and would love to try it out for herself! Suzie goes online to order jeans but since this will be new style for her and she won’t know how they fit she decides to order multiple sizes. Unfortunately this means she will have to return whichever ones end up not fitting and Suzie hates the return process. 

Competitive and/or Comparative Analysis

Stitch Fix

  • Gets a box of more than just jeans
  • Once an account is created, the only option is to start a membership. 

Feature Prioritization


  • ability to view different styles/brands of jeans
  • option to select sizes
  • homepage with current orders/recommendations


  • ability to input measurments
  • create a profile
  • user can order from the site and send back what they didn’t like



What’s Next?

Next steps are testing the prototype to get feedback from users. With that feedback, we can then circle back to the design and see what can be adjusted to better suit our users.